Your host
Hello! My name is Susi Whitehead. I have been inspired to offer this Reset and Revitalise Retreat experience for women, to share the knowledge I've gathered over the course of 10+ years.
After feeling frustrated and unsupported going through menopause (with perimenopause sneaking up on me in my late 30s) experiencing unexplained weight gain, hair loss, brain fog, anxiety and depression .... the list goes on! I am determined that other women will have a better understanding of what is going on with their bodies and take steps to alleviate symptoms.

Why I have created the Reset & Revitalise Retreat
I have always leaned towards alternative healing, having discovered Reiki in my mid-20s and EFT (tapping) a few years later. I also found solace in numerous authors and felt particularly drawn to Louise Hay, Annette Noontil, and more recently Inna Segal, for talking about the link between our physical health and our emotional wellbeing. In terms of our physical health, and the fact that our food is our medicine, I have devoured Dr Mindy Pelz' content regarding fasting and nutrition for hormones and completed her Fast Like A Girl Certified Coach training (I am South Australia's only Certified FLAG Coach).
The educational component of the retreat is not to replace medical advice, but rather to help you take your power back through providing knowledge around your health and wellbeing.
In addition to Fast Like a Girl training, I also have a Certificate in Neuro Linguistic Programming (Master Practitioner), Hypnotherapy and Coaching. I already have a list of courses I plan to do next!
The retreat is designed to share the many tools and processes I have been taught over the years. I invite you to join me in kick starting or continuing on your healing journey.
A little more about me ...
I have lived my entire life in South Australia. I was born in Cowell on Eyre Peninsula, left there just before turning seven, and completed most of my schooling in Maitland on Yorke Peninsula. From there, I lived, worked, & studied in Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills for 30+ years before moving to Kangaroo Island in late 2016.
My love of cultures & travel put me on the path to study travel & tourism in my mid-20s. Initially contemplating a career as a travel consultant, I discovered that tourism was my true calling. These studies fuelled my desire to share the beautiful & diverse state of South Australia with overseas guests, and reflected my observations on the impact that visitation can have on the local community. The desire to protect the environment has played a significant role in my personal & professional life, which includes working for the Ministerial Council for the Environment while completing a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Adelaide. I have long viewed South Australia as being the ultimate ecotourism destination.
Another constant in my career has been my involvement in the hospitality & events industries, from working for the iconic Cork & Cleaver Restaurant to coordinating 200+ volunteers working the bars at WOMADelaide, and everything in between.
Pulling together the skills & experiences accumulated through my varied roles in the public and private sector, my hospitality background, studies in tourism and multiple languages (German, Spanish and French - all very basic!) combined with a degree in Commerce (Marketing) it was clearly my destiny to end up on iconic Kangaroo Island, running a hosted guesthouse with my partner, Bruno.
A perpetual student, I have been undertaking studies over the past few years to equip myself with the skills and tools to transition the KI Dragonfly Guesthouse into a retreat experience. These studies have been driven by my desire for self healing and providing an affordable experience for other women.
I am looking forward to sharing Kangaroo Island home with people seeking a deeper connection with themselves and other like minded women, and to collaborating with the many incredible people on the Island who offer a variety of healing modalities.
Get in touch!
If you would like to know more about the Reset & Revitalise Retreat, have any questions about Fast Like A Girl intermittent fasting, or would like to book, please get in touch.